In order to guarantee everyone's safety at low altitude, a landing pattern must be determined and accepted by all jumpers before each takeoff. A landing pattern consists of a direction of rotation around the landing area and a direction of landing. By ensuring that everyone turns in the same direction and lands in the same direction, the risk of canopy collisions at low altitude is minimized.

The video below explains how to determine a landing pattern.

At Parachute Montréal North-Shore, depending on the direction of the wind, we will determine whether the circuit should be done to the right or to the left. The goal is to get as far away from the plane's runway and buildings as possible while ensuring you land into the wind.

How to set a landing pattern

1. Determine landing direction. We want to land into the wind.

2. Determine the direction of rotation. We must avoid passing over the plane's runway.

3. Determine the location of the holding area. We want to lose our altitude in an area where the wind will push us towards our first point.

The video below illustrates a right-hand pattern from the skydiver's point of view.

You must make sure you understand the landing pattern that has been decided based on the winds before each flight. Although during your training an instructor will advise you under canopy using the radio, you must be able to navigate and land alone.

Next chapter: Try it yourself !