B. Gear Checks

The video below demonstrates how to perform a complete gear check.

Your gear must be checked 3 times before each jump.

  • First time before putting it on
  • Second time before boarding the plane
  • Third time before jumping,  at around 10,000 feet

You can carry out a complete check of the gear yourself before putting it on. However, when you have the equipment on your back it will be impossible for you to check the back of it yourself.

Here is the procedure:

Check the front of your parachute yourself by performing the 4-points check:

  1. Straps. We check the chest strap and leg straps. We must observe the FABRIC-METAL-FABRIC pattern.
  2. Cutaway handle. We check the fabric handle. It must be secure in its velcro.
  3. Reserve handle. We check the metal handle. It must be secure in its velcro.
  4. Pilot chute. We check that the pilot chute is accessible and secure in the pouch.

Ask your instructor to check the back of your parachute.

Let's now go into detail about each item to check.

Three ring system

On the three-ring system, we check that the small ring passes through the middle ring and that the middle ring passes through the large ring. We also check that the cord is in good condition and that the yellow cable passes through the cord. Finally, we make sure that the RSL (the hook) is properly attached to the small independent ring.

Chest strap

We check that the buckle displays a FABRIC-METAL-FABRIC pattern and that the fabric is not damaged.

Cutaway handle

We must ensure that the cutaway handle (fabric) is in place and secure in its Velcro.

Reserve Handle

We must ensure that the reserve handle (metal) is in place and secure in its Velcro.

Legs straps

We check essentially the same thing that we checked at the chest strap level. The FABRIC-METAL-FABRIC pattern must be observed and the fabric must be in good condition.

Automatic Activation Device (AAD)

The AAD must be turned on. Depending on the model, the screen will display "0" or "Student". Any other mention must be reported to your instructor.

Reserve Canopy Closing Pin

The reserve canopy closing pin must be at least halfway in, the cord must show no signs of wear and the rigger's seal must be present.

Main Canopy Closing Pin

The main canopy closing pin must point upwards and the cord must not be frayed.

Pilot Chute

The pilot chute handle should be accessible and the pilot chute fabric should be stored in the pouch.

Next Chapter: Gear Up !