C. Double Openings

In extremely rare cases it may happen that your two canopies (the main and the reserve) are opened simultaneously. This can happen especially if you open your main parachute too low and the AAD opens the reserve parachute simultaneously.

There are three possible configurations:

  • The two canopies are side by side
  • The two canopies are one behind the other
  • The two canopies face each other

Let's see how to react to each of these configurations.

The two canopies are side by side

If this situation occurs, we will make small corrections using the rear risers. To turn right, we will use the right rear riser of the right canopy and to turn left we will use the left rear riser of the left canopy. It is important to only make small corrections and to limit maneuvers to the strict minimum. When landing you will not brake (you will arrive slowly on the ground anyway since you have two canopies above your head).

The two canopies are one behind the other

It is with the canopy in the front that you will control your descent. Here too, we will reduce maneuvers to the strict minimum and we will control the canopy in the front only with the rear risers. When landing you will not brake (you will arrive slowly on the ground anyway since you have two canopies above your head).

The two canopies face each other

In this scenario the two canopies face each other and plunge towards the ground (we say that they are in a downplane configuration). It is therefore urgent to react. Since the canopies are on opposite sides of each other, you can simply carry out your emergency procedures to free your main canopy. Once it is released, your reserve canopy will resume flying normally. Note that this is the only double opening configuration that requires cutting away the main canopy.

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