C. Plans B and Hazards in St-Esprit - North Shore

Sometimes you may not be able to make it to the landing area. Fortunately, in St-Esprit, there are fields as far as the eye can see. You therefore have many other options for landing. These options are called “Plans Bs”.

If you find yourself in such a situation, you will first need to locate a field where you wish to land. This plan B must absolutely be free of obstacles. Stay away from buildings and the road, even if you are confident in your abilities. An example of an obstacle that is almost invisible from the sky is power lines and they are often located near buildings and roads.

Once your plan B has been identified, transpose your planned landing pattern to this new landing field, this will allow you to land into the wind (The landing pattern will be presented in the next module).

Finally, use judgment. If your only option is a field with large trenches, choose to land parallel to the trenches, even if it means landing into the sidewind. A trench can be an obstacle and landing in an obstacle-free space has priority.

Finally, another danger during your descent is the presence of other skydivers. Always be aware of the traffic around you. In the event that you come face to face with another skydiver, the universal rule is to make a right turn. If both people turn right, they will avoid each other.

Before moving on to the next module, take the Module 5 quiz by following the link below.

Reminder: you must pass it with a score of 100% before moving on to module 6. Make sure you verify that you actually got 100%. Otherwise, you will not receive the password for the Module 6 quiz.

Module 5 Quiz

Next Module: Landing Pattern / Landing