Knowledge of the equipment is essential. You need to know what the components of a parachute are and their function. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the parachute.

In addition to the parachute, certain pieces of equipment are mandatory. Here they are:

- An altimeter

The altimeter displays the altitude at all times. On the altimeter in the photo, which is the model you will use during your course, simply read the number the needle is pointing at and multiply it by 1000. So, if the needle is pointing at 8, you are at 8000 feet above the ground!

- A radio

Throughout your course, you will have a radio receiver in your helmet. Your instructor will be able to assist you during your canopy flight and until landing.

- Goggles

Essential if you want to be able to open your eyes in freefall!

- A jumpsuit

Finally, as long as you are using a rental parachute, you will need to wear a jumpsuit.

Let us now analyze in more detail the main piece of equipment: the assembly made up of the harness, the main canopy and the reserve canopy. You will often hear the term "rig" to designate this assembly or, more simply, "parachute".

Back of the rig

The rig contains two canopies: the main canopy, located in the lower part of the harness and the reserve canopy, located in the upper part of the harness.

The images below give an explanation of the different parts that make up the back of the parachute.

Automatic Activation Device (AAD)

The AAD is an electronic device that calculates your altitude and rate of fall. If it detects that you are still free falling at too low an altitude, it automatically triggers the opening of your reserve parachute

Reserve parachute closing pin

The reserve parachute container is held closed by a pin which passes through a loop in a rope. Note the presence of the rigger's seal which can be made of paper or lead

Main parachute closing pin

The main parachute container is held closed by a pin which passes through a loop in a rope

Pilot chute

The pilot chute is the part that you will throw into the air to open your parachute

Deployment Bag

The deployment bag is what is hidden under the closing pin of the main parachute. It contains the main canopy as well as the lines.

Front of the rig

Several elements to be aware of are located at the front of the parachute. The images below review them in detail.

Three rings system

The three-ring system, present at each shoulder, connects the main canopy to the harness. Note that on one side, a hook is attached to a small ring. Its function will be explained to you during your training

Chest strap

The chest strap ensures that your shoulder pads are kept on your shoulders. It should be attached first when putting on your gear

Fabric handle (Cutaway Handle)

The fabric handle, located on the right side at rib level, is used to cutaway the main canopy in an emergency.

Metal Handle (Reserve Handle)

The metal handle, located on the left side at rib level is used to trigger the opening of the reserve parachute

Leg straps

The leg straps are used to keep you in the harness

Next Chapter: Gear Checks